How to Protect Your Pets from Pests

You aren’t the only one bothered by the swarms of insects that cloud the skies- your pet doesn’t like them much either! Especially during the hotter months, fleas, ticks, and other insects are more active and more likely to bother your furry friend. In most cases, these pests may just cause annoying itching, but their bites can lead to more serious sickness if left untreated, and in extreme cases, even death.
Not to fear, though! There are many steps you can take to keep your little guy happy, healthy, and pest-free. Most of these can be done from the comfort of your home without any professional help, but don’t hesitate to contact your local veterinarian or a professional exterminator for a free pest inspection if your pet shows any signs of a serious health risk- it might just save their life.
Shampoo Frequently
Nothing attracts pests like a dirty coat. Keeping your pet’s coat clean is one of the cheapest and most effective methods of home pest control you can use! Your furry friend may not be too excited to hop in the bathtub, but they’ll be a lot less enthusiastic about the constant itching that accompanies a flea infestation. By bathing your pet early and often, you’ll help keep them itch-free and healthy.
Make sure to use the right shampoo! Human formulas won’t cut it, as they can strip your furry friend’s coat of natural protective oils and actually worsen the problem rather than help it. We recommend shampoos that are designed to protect against certain types of pests, as they pack the most punch and will keep bugs away all summer long.
Stay Up-to-Date with Treatment
Just as humans need vaccines and supplements to protect against many of the diseases that bugs carry, animals need them too. If you adopted your pal from a pound or a humane society, they should be up to date with their vaccinations, but it’s important to bring them back for updated doses. If your pet came from a friend’s litter or you found them as a stray, however, it’s vital that you bring them to a veterinarian to get vaccinated. Not only will these vaccines keep your pal healthy, but they also serve as a very effective method of home pest control, as they prevent bugs from hopping from your pet to you.
Vaccines aren’t the only way modern medicine protects your furry friends from bugs, though. There are many monthly medications you can give your pet to keep them healthy, the two most common being, flea & tick medication, and heartworm medication, both of which come in topical and oral forms. The most important thing with these medications is to keep up with them, as many people think that only outside animals need treatment or that they only need them during the warmer summer months. The truth is, you should get all of your pets their vaccinations and administer their treatments every month of the year, regardless of how much time they spend outside. By making sure you keep up with vaccinations and medications, you’ll keep your pet healthy even if a pest sinks its teeth into them.
Physically Check
Your pet is most susceptible to insects during time spent outside, so it’s important to perform a little pest inspection of your own from time to time. If you take them for a hike in nature, where bugs are waiting on leaves and branches to leap to the cozy coat of your furry friend, you’ll have to quickly check them for pests. Comb through their fur with your fingers, feeling for any bumps and watching for any insects. One of the most common insects that look for pets to feed on and the easiest to spot are ticks, which bite into an animal’s skin and suck on their blood over long periods of time. Be careful not to just pull them out by their bodies, though, because ticks are usually stuck deeper than you realize, and even if you pull their body off, their head might still be attached and can infect your pet. Use tweezers to gently pry them off of your pet by the base of their head.
In addition to running your fingers through your pet’s fur, you should also keep an eye on their behavior to check for warning signs of an infestation. If they are itching more than usual and if the areas around the base of their tail, hips, and thighs are dry, irritated, or crusted, they might be dealing with a pest problem. They might also seem restless and uncomfortable, and the pitch of their voice may sound elevated and pained. Once you notice any of these signs, the first step is to thoroughly check them for pests using both your hands and your eyes. If your pet’s condition continues to worsen, a trip to the veterinarian and a professional pest yard treatment may be necessary. Remember- it’s better to catch the problem earlier than to ignore it and let it get worse!
Keep Your Indoor and Outdoor Areas Clean
Another thing that attracts pests is filth. Bugs love it when you leave dirt or sugary substances out, so one of the best ways to combat them is by simply tidying up! Make sure to clean up any spills or messes as soon as possible, as the longer you leave them out, the more insects you’ll attract. Check behind couches and chairs, and clean those hard-to-reach places, even if it might be a little annoying. The longer you leave an area unattended, the more likely it is to become a home for dangerous pests. Check underneath cushions and behind furniture- these areas are commonly overlooked.
Keeping your outside areas clean is arguably more important than the inside of your house. Make sure to frequently wash any furniture on your patio, porch, or lawn. Your garage can also become a prime area for bugs, so keep it clean and tidy to best protect your loving animal. We recommend using a hose or even a power washer to spray down spider webs and insect nests. Your yard itself can also become a prime breeding ground for ticks and fleas if it becomes too overgrown. If you take care of your yard and bugs are still biting you or your pet, getting a professional out to your house to perform a free pest inspection might be a great way to protect you both. Frequently mow your lawn, trim your bushes, and use pest control treatment to keep those pesky bugs out of your lawn so that you and your furry friend can enjoy it as much as possible!
Protect Your Pet
Your pet is important to you, so why not do everything you can to protect them? Pests can be annoying to you and your favorite animal, but more extreme cases can make both of you very sick. By keeping your pet medicated and clean, frequently cleaning your home, and routinely ordering mosquito yard treatment, you’re making the first strike in the war against pests. But remember, don’t take full responsibility for the insects lurking in your backyard- leave that to us. If you have a more serious infestation that threatens you and your pets, don’t hesitate to contact a professional exterminator through Palmetto Exterminators so we can help give you the peace of mind you need.